Quackgrass, Smooth & Hairy Crabgrass

by on July 19, 2012

Quackgrass is differentiated by pale- to blue-green coarse grass blades that are bumpy on their upper exterior. If quackgrass is not mowed by a professional Lawn Care Sarasota FL care technician, it can grow up to five feet or more in just one season. It is often mistaken for rye or wheat because of the narrow flower spikes rising from the plant. Quackgrass rapidly grows in spring and fall. It is especially vigorous in thin, undernourished turf. Though it sometimes goes unnoticed in early spring, quackgrass becomes quite noticeable as it turns brown in summer.

Smooth and hairy crabgrass grow close to the ground and have coarse, light-green blades. The blades are small, pointed and hairy. This energetic, warm-season yearly weed begins growing quickly in the early spring and continues to thrive until seed heads form in late summer to the beginning of fall. Crabgrass grows particularly well in lightly-watered Lawn Care Sarasota FLs that are also not sufficiently fertilized or drained and grow thin and sparse. This weed spreads by seed and by rooting from the lower swollen nodes of stems.

With the help of a professional Lawn Care Sarasota FL care team that knows how to effectively combat these weeds, your turf should remain unburdened by quackgrass and crabgrass. There are several types of products that can be used to wipe out crabgrass, with Barricade® being one of the best. This product works to prevent crabgrass in the spring before it has a chance to become a problem for your Lawn Care Sarasota FL. After an application, it is important to keep an eye out and make sure there are no problems throughout the season. If you happen to notice crabgrass once again encroaching on your turf, call your Lawn Care Sarasota FL care specialist right away to have the weed obliterated.

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