The Basics of Dust Mites

by on September 13, 2012

For weeks now you’ve been hacking, coughing and sneezing. You have no idea why all of a sudden you wake up feeling groggy and miserable and have frequent headaches. You haven’t changed anything in your diet or your regular routine, so what could be the cause of all these health problems. Pest control experts suggest the culprit could be something you can’t even see with the naked eye.

Dust mites are common problem in many households and often result in mild to severe allergic reactions for many people. If a person already has asthma or other allergy problems, dust mites may exacerbate those issues and make them that much worse. Dust mites can make living in your home almost intolerable. Even worse, dust mites can even bite, causing skin irritations.

How do mites get into your home? Dust mites are ubiquitous outdoors, but they can easily hitch a ride inside your home on you, your pets, or any other item that travels from the outdoors into your home. They ultimately are in search of a food source, and believe it or not, feed on food within our homes, especially if the food is partially decomposed. They also feed on mold and have been known to carry diseases.

Mites tend to hide out and thrive in warm, damp places and can survive in almost any area of the world. They only live for a few weeks, but their short life produces an amazing amount of toxic waste. Their fecal matter causes serious health issues for many people. Since the females lay between 80 and 100 eggs, an infestation can easily occur and the destruction and contamination can happen quickly.

If you think you have a problem with dust mites, you may want to seek professional Pest Control Brandenton FL control to combat the infestation or prevent one from occurring.

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